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Big Sky Montana More |
Laura: Umm…it is? (sips
coffee) Everyone seems so nice. That guy over there offered to buy us
lunch. So, what’s so shy about this place?
Debbie: Sky! I said Big Sky
Country. (smacks Laura upside the head) Open them ears, woman.
Laura: Ow! Well, that makes more
sense. (looks up). Cause yeah, that’s one big sky up there.
Debbie: (shakes head) Some days
it’s really hard to…V.S., good morning, I’m so glad you could meet with us.
Laura, this is V.S. Morgan.
LAURA: Hey, V.S.! So glad you’re
DEBBIE: So you’ve traveled a
lot. Where is your favorite place in the US?V.S.: I love the Pacific Northwest. I grew up there and miss the ocean, mountains, and forests. It’s not easy finding jobs unless you’re in the bigger cities, though, and I don’t miss the rain!
DEBBIE: My brother lives in
Washington State. I’ve always wanted to travel out there.
LAURA: Oh, when you go, take me with
you. I’ve always wanted to go to Washington State. So, V.S., tell me about
Kenpo Karate.![]() |
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V.S.: I study the American
version which emphasizes self-defense. Our local teacher also teaches kids
general safety and stranger awareness.
The philosophy is your brain is
your best weapon, so use it to stay out of dangerous situations in the first
place. But if you need to defend yourself, give your attacker a world of pain
and get your ass out of there. Pronto.
Unlike some versions of Karate, this is down and dirty.
One of the fun things about
Kenpo is the crazy names of the moves – Swords of Destruction, Captured Twigs,
and Clutching Feathers, for example. These actually help you remember the moves
– Clutching Feathers is a defensive move against a bad guy who’s got you by the
LAURA: I’ve always wanted to
learn Karate. Kenpo sounds very cool.
DEBBIE: Wow. It sounds really
interesting. I will have to check my area, not only would I like to learn it,
but I bet it would help with some of the fight scenes Laura and I write.
LAURA: Ooo! Yes it would! LOL
DEBBIE: What kind of dogs do you
V.S.: I have two shih tzus. They are small yet think they’re mighty.
Still very puppy like in many ways even though they’re going on six.
DEBBIE: Don’t all small dogs think
they are big, lol. I think that goes for men too. HAHAHA!
LAURA: LOL I had dogs growing
up, but when I moved to an apartment for college, it was easier to get a cat.
So, I’ve had them ever since. We can go off for a week, and they’re fine when
we get back. A little miffed, but none worse for wear. So, what about your
writing, V.S.? Is it strictly M/M?
V.S.: I also write m/f, although
not published yet.
DEBBIE: Cool. What inspired you to write The Gift?
V.S.: A few things inspired me to
write The Gift. First, I’d read a number of books in the 1Night Stand
series and really enjoyed them. I also had the opportunity to crit Debbie
Gould’s “Second Chance.” It got me thinking that this was a line I really
wanted to write for.
DEBBIE: She did, and was a great
V.S.: I also was taking a few
classes on at the time. One was taught by Louisa Baco, who is now a Decadent
author. Her class was extremely helpful
in learning the basics of submitting short stories to epubs for open calls or lines. Louisa and my class crit group were very
Lastly, I’d taken a BDSM for
Writers class from Dr. Charley Ferrer. Although I’d read a lot of BDSM stories
and done research, her class really made me see the human side of the
kink. That made me what to share the
loving side of BDSM in a story.
LAURA: Very cool. So, lets get
into the story. Give us the skinny on Wyatt.![]() |
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V.S.: Wyatt is a hunky rancher
with a big heart. He was attending college in New York as an art major when his
parents died in an accident. He left college and his Dom behind to raise his
four brothers and run the family ranch. He put all his hopes and dreams on ice
because of his responsibilities. He
tends to be a black and white thinker.
LAURA: Wow, love that his
character is so deep, that he sees what needs to be done and does it.
DEBBIE: He’s very selfless! And
lonely, lol. What’s his biggest flaw?
V.S.: While his dedication to his
family is admirable, Wyatt took self-sacrifice too far. He’d always put others’
needs above his own, which made him unhappy and lonely.
LAURA: Well, it’s one thing to
do what’s needed, and self-sacrifice is admirable, but to live unhappy and
lonely? Hmm, sure hope he worked that part out.
DEBBIE: Oh, he did! LOL. But I
will give nothing away.
LAURA: No surprise there…you
don’t tell me anything. Like your brother lives in Washington state. (turns to
V.S.) So, if he were to set up a Friday night date, where would he make dinner
DEBBIE: Who are you talking
about dating?
LAURA: No, I wasn’t asking about
your brother. (swats Debbie) I was asking our guest about her character Wyatt!
Ahem, V.S.?
V.S.: Wyatt would prefer going to
a place that didn’t require reservations. It would be a local secret – a hole
in the wall, rib joint that served the biggest, juiciest ribs in Montana.
DEBBIE: Mmmm, those are the best
LAURA: Okay, so I’m thinking we
find a restaurant after the interview…I’m getting hungry and ribs sound great!
Oh, and a loaded baked potato! Mmm… (tummy growls). Okay, so what would Wyatt
wear on his date?
V.S.: Black t-shirt, jeans,
cowboy boots, and his favorite Stetson. The hat would be set on a chair next to
him at the table though, because his Mama taught him manners.
LAURA: LOL Good for him!
DEBBIE: Love a man with manners!
LAURA: (eyeballs Deb) And
friends with manners would be nice, too.
DEBBIE: Hey! I have tons of
LAURA: Uh-huh. (turns to V.S.)
What about Rafael? What’s he like?
V.S.: Rafael is a prize winning
news photographer who is also a Dom. He is very much a lone wolf. His work had
been his life until he met Wyatt as a young sub. Their breakup has made him wary, but not enough to seize the
chance to be with Wyatt again, if only for one night.
DEBBIE: Break-ups have a way of
doing that.
LAURA: Love photography. Wonder
if he took pictures of Wyatt when they were together. I’m betting he did.
Hmm…so, tell us three things about Rafael that aren’t in the story.
V.S.: Rafael was born in New
York. His father was an Argentinian diplomat, so Rafael became used to
traveling the world at a very young age.
Rafael participated in scenes as
a sub as a requirement of his Dom training.
His mentor was a Domme named Francisca, and he still stays in touch with
While in Japan, Rafael also
studied Shibari, Japanese rope bondage.
LAURA: Rope bondage. Sounds like
a technique any good Dom should know.
DEBBIE: LMAO!!!! I’d rather know
how to slip those knots! V.S. if Raphael were out on a date, what kind of small
talk would he use?
V.S.: Rafael would talk about
current events and art. Then he would continue in the same, conversational
tone, detailing all the naughty things he had planned for dessert afterward,
making his date crazy with need.
LAURA: What a tease! LOL Would
he let his date pay, offer to go Dutch, or insist on paying the bill?
V.S.: Rafael always pays the bill
on a date– it’s a dominant thing.
DEBBIE: Hmm, I think those Doms
need to loosen up!
LAURA: Like you and slipping
those knots? <snort> So, does Rafael kiss on the first date?
V.S.: Perhaps – if his date earns
LAURA: If he’s tantalizing them
with sexy comments, I’m sure his dates earn that kiss.
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Mmm...coffee.... More |
LAURA: Hey, Deb…buy me another
DEBBIE: You go buy me a beer,
and I’ll think about it.
LAURA: You’re right, you’d never
make a good sub. You don’t take orders well. Heck, you don’t take suggestions
well. lol (turns to V.S.) Okay, this story is mega interesting—the characters
sound deep and enticing. So let’s tease the readers. What are the first three
lines of The Gift?
V.S.: I’ve added a few more than
three. wink
Wyatt Malone ambled out of the lavish bathroom, a
towel slung low around his hips while he rubbed another over his hair. His
computer pinged twice. E-mail. The first from his foreman, Bob Jenkins.
Everything’s fine at the
ranch. Just enjoy your vacation. Cookie said she’ll tan your hide if you don’t.
LAURA: And I’m guessing he
enjoyed his vacation. J
DEBBIE: I do recall he did!
LAURA: Thought you weren’t
giving anything away?
DEBBIE: Oh, was that a secret?
LAURA: I don’t know!! Ack! Um,
V.S., any bad habits you’d care to share with us?
V.S.: I tend to overthink things.
Need to go with the flow more.
DEBBIE: That would be Laura’s
bad habit, too. Me, I should probably think things through more often, lol.
LAURA: Sheesh, admit to a tinge
of OCD and now you’re slapping labels on me faster than a Walmart employee
marks down a rack of hideous swimsuits at the end of summer.DEBBIE: Am I lying?
LAURA: (rolls eyes toward sky
and whistles) Oh, so what I want to know is what’s Minnesota like?
V.S.: Minnesota is a great place
for jobs and schools. I’ve made some really good friends here. The sunrises, and the nature areas are
spectacular. The winters can be absolutely miserable though. I HATE driving on icy roads.
LAURA: Bleh! So do I! I’m down
in the south, and whenever we get a snowstorm, it’s like everyone loses their
minds. Hmm, the same thing happens when a huge storm comes through.
DEBBIE: I love the snow. I think
Vermont is the perfect place, we get all four seasons here.
LAURA: (Arches brow) Well now,
sounds like you thought that comment through….
DEBBIE: Uhh, yeah, about me
moving south to be closer to my writing partner, ummm. Remember me telling you
I met someone?
LAURA: What, he doesn’t like the
DEBBIE: Don’t know, we haven’t
talked about the beach.
LAURA: Yeah, not surprised. J So V.S., are you a hopeless romantic like Debbie
and me?
V.S.: Absolutely! I’d love for life to be more like the
romances I read and write –especially when people are accepted for who they
DEBBIE: I just met someone that
could possibly be THE one. But the first time we met, I think I channeled one
of the heroines from our books. I turned into someone who actually asked for
what I wanted. It turned out really well, lol. I may have to take cues from my
characters a little more often.
LAURA: Maybe…. Though, I’ve
never noticed you having problems asking me for anything. Here…drink your beer
while it’s still cold. And just outta curiosity, which character did you
DEBBIE: Asking you about a
plotline is a lot different than asking my guy if, well you just never mind
what I asked him.
LAURA: (snicker)
DEBBIE: And, I think it was a
combination of Emily from Second Chance and Ever from Soul Kiss that we are
writing now.
LAURA: Ah, well. I know exactly
what Ever is like, so yeah…I’m sure it did turn out well. <wg>
DEBBIE: Uh, yeah, it turned out
extremely well. (gets tapped on shoulder by V.S.) Oh, ummm sorry, so tell us
about what a typical day in the life of V.S. is like?
V.S.: Get up at 5:45 am for
morning routine (shower, dressed, getting ready for work), which includes
getting my son breakfast and packing lunches. Work eight hours at the day job-
I’m a project manager. Pick up son from middle school and walk through any homework
he has questions about. Get dinner ready (if hubby not making). Hang out with
family and play with dogs. Spend some time promoting or networking - I
usually write on the weekends because my day job usually makes me brain dead.
LAURA: Yeah. The thing I really
like about writing is that it takes you away from the everyday grind.
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Nuff said... More |
LAURA: Ohhh…so that’s what did
it. LOL I was wondering.
DEBBIE: Yeah and what’s YOUR
excuse, missy?LAURA: Don’t really have one. Just the way I am. (sigh) Hey, V.S., where do you get your ideas—do you have a muse that whispers to you or do plots pop in your head while you’re showering?
V.S.: The shower is definitely a
place I get ideas. Also driving to work
is a great time to hear the whispers. I have notebooks scattered around so I
quickly jot down notes.
LAURA: Smart! Where do you get
ideas, Deb?
DEBBIE: Headlines, certain TV
shows, most defiantly music. Second Chance was inspired by a David Cook song.
LAURA: Me? I just hear voices.
Not saying they’re ghosts. And that’s also not an admission of insanity.
DEBBIE: Yes it is. It’s okay
though, it’s no secret. So V.S., what other stories do you have in the works?
V.S.: I’m working on a time
travel 1Night Stand called “Operation Getting Lucky.” Also working on an ‘old
couple’ story.
LAURA: Ooo! An old couple story.
Very cool. Love and romance certainly don’t end when you hit thirty!
DEBBIE: Hmmm, I’ve been privy to
a bit of “Operation Getting Lucky”. Laura, you will LOVE this one.
LAURA: Really? Do tell….
DEBBIE: Lots of action. Military
and otherwise.
LAURA: Oh yeah, you know it!
Okay, Deb, you give V.S. some quickie questions while I go pluck a random Final
Question from the jar.
DEBBIE: Ooooo, I love Quickies.
Wait…that didn’t sound right. I mean…well…they have their time and place. Oh,
ummm, yeah the questions.
Red or black?V.S.: Black
Dinner and a movie or hiking?
Dinner and a movie
Beach or mountains?
Oh, hard one – I love both, but will pick beach
Boat or Plane?
Boxers or briefs?
I’m a fan of boxer briefs. ;)LAURA: Yeah, those are HOT!
Eggs or Oatmeal?
Neither. Shudder.LAURA: Hahahaha
Beer or Wine?
His smile or his eyes?
You’re killing me – another tough one. His eyes.
Chocolate or pastries?
Favorite TV show?
Favorite song?
“Somewhere I Belong” by Linkin ParkLAURA: Ooo, a Linkin Park fan! High five!
DEBBIE: Yes! My favorite of theirs is “In the End”.
LAURA: Yeah! That one’s good, too. Okay, so I picked a question from the jar.
You’re on safari with your lover
in the African Congo. After an evening of watching wildebeests frolic, you
share a romantic meal of oysters on the half shell with Merlot. Afterwards, you
serve your lover banana flambé. Behind you, there’s a rustling in the bushes.
As you turn, you catch sight of something huge and dark and furry just before
whatever it is crashes into you.
Sunrise. You wake with a
horrendous headache to find your camp demolished and your lover missing. The
radios are smashed and the guns are…well, who knows? You scavenge a bent fork,
rubber band, and a French bread loaf. Being the crack tracker you are, you
follow the trail into the jungle.
Two hours later, you push
through the brush – wait, was that a gecko or a baboon spider skittering over
your arm?
Wait? Gorillas…? And oh my, your
lover is curled into a ball in the center of their nest. From your hiding
place, you can see the tattered, blood-drenched clothing. Huge fearsome apes
stare down at their captive. The big silverback is growling and slamming his
meaty fists to the ground, sending leaves and dust pluming into the air. Yeah,
he don’t look too happy.
What the…? Is that your favorite
shirt that baby gorilla is teething on?You check the supplies you saved from camp. You must act now, or risk your lover’s life at the hands of these normally peaceful creatures. Hmm…wonder what set them off?
What do you do?
V.S.: Wow, that’s quite the
scenario! Swearing to myself – wishing
I was MacGyver – I consider stabbing gorillas with the fork or shooting them
with the rubber band. Nah, that’s not going to help. I chew on the bread for
courage and a boost of energy. I decide
to make a bunch of noise by throwing coconuts, rocks –whatever - in a different
direction so the gorillas will run and check it out. Then I belly crawl to my
lover to see if he’s still alive. Of course dragging him out in time is going
to be very difficult but I’d rather face miserable odds than leave him there.
LAURA: Woot! I’d say you
survived it and saved your lover! (Hey, I know you chunked those coconuts far…)
DEBBIE: Awww, how sweet!
LAURA: Thanks so much for
dropping by, V.S. Sure hope you visit us again with your next release. We’d
love to have you back!
DEBBIE: Yes. Anytime. I’d love
to talk more about Lucky.
LAURA: So, we’ve got a cover and
excerpt around here, right?
DEBBIE: You know it.
Laura: So, Deb…how’s that beer
treatin’ ya?
Debbie: Like I need another one.
Laura: Figured. Here.
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Laura: Well, we are here.
So, yeah! Let’s SEE Montana. Come on…I’ve already scheduled us a ride in that
biplane! WooHoo!
Debbie: I’m not going anywhere
until I see the whites of the pilot’s eyes and verify he’s not wearing a hooded
Laura: Agreed!
By V.S. Morgan
....At 22, rancher Wyatt Malone
sacrificed almost everything, including the Dom he served and loved, to raise
his younger brothers. Now, with the ranch running well, his grown up siblings
surprise him with a trip to a Caribbean paradise and a date from Madame
Evangeline's 1Night Stand. Taking his courage in hand, he fills out an
application that bares his soul for a single night of surrender to a nearly
forgotten passion.....Rafael is a Dom without a sub. His desires exceed the available men in the dungeon he frequents and memories of rejected love keep him aloof. Can the submission of a Montana cowboy free him or will the date be nothing more than another meaningless scene?
....Rafael blotted his mouth with
his napkin and placed it on the table. Wyatt set his fork down and waited. The
old familiar energy pulsed between them. Heat zipped through his groin, and he
shifted in his seat as his erection pressed against his jeans.....“Wyatt, you asked Madame Eve for a Dominant for one night.” Rafael slid a keycard on the table between them. “If you accept my invitation to play, you will take this card and be in my suite, ready, in fifteen minutes.”
....Without hesitation, he reached over and grasped it. When his wrist was grabbed, tugging him forward, Wyatt braced his free hand on the table and accepted Rafael’s lips. At first they brushed, a tease, and then the kiss became a sensual play of tongues. His heart pounded at the taste of curry and tequila. He twirled his tongue around the other man’s and groaned. Rafael’s lips trailed across his jaw and down his neck, stubble scraping across sensitive skin, creating a rasp of pleasure that flowed all the way down his spine.
....The Dom followed it with a nip on the bottom lip and then pulled back, twisting Wyatt’s wrist slightly to glance at his watch. Rafael released him and leaned back with a wicked grin. Wyatt’s heart raced.
....“You now have thirteen minutes.”
Author Bio:
V.S. Morgan has lived all over
the United States but now calls Minnesota home. She incorporates her travels
and experiences into her stories whenever possible. V.S. dreamed of becoming an
author from the tender age of eleven after snagging one of her mom’s
Harlequins. She writes contemporary, suspense, and paranormal m/m with heart
and heat. “The Gift” is her debut publication. She is a member of Romance
Writers of America and the Rainbow Romance Writers and Kiss of Death chapters.
When not writing, V.S. is playing with her dogs, practicing Kenpo Karate, and
reading lots of erotic romance.
Oh, I absolutely loves these interviews! Another fabulous one Laura and Debbie! And V.S., great answer on the final question! :)
ReplyDeleteAll the best!
Thanks for stopping by, Jessica!
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting me, ladies! Loved the interview! :)
ReplyDeleteNice interview, V.S., Debbie and Laura. Fun, and Wyatt and Rafael from The Gift are yummy! Loved them.